Many not happy with the way Programming Center is handling the July 31st shutdown of 4DTV.

Rainier Satellite has had many phone calls from people inquiring about our service that are not happy with the way Programming Center, SRL is handling the 4DTV shutdown.

As of this writing they have not posted anything on their website about the shutdown, but do tell phone callers its the end on July 31st. They also refuse to give a good faith nod in the direction of Rainier Satellite as an option for continued use of their c band system, to the soon to be c band orphans.

Many that call us about our offerings inform us they found us by only looking at the internet under C band satellite programming. We have been told that when they inquire about any options beyond July 31st they are told NO there are none, C band is dead. While Rainier does not really expect Programming Center to say anything about us.  Its a bad way to exit the C band market and treat the loyal subscribers they had for many many years with this misinformation. Programming Center is exiting in bad faith just like NPS did in 2010. While this may seem okay to them, is it fair to the soon to be C band orphan to be treated this way?  We at Rainier do not treat our customers like this and go out of our way to make them happy. We treat our customers with respect and dignity.

If you are a soon to be c band orphan, One month or less is left to D day, Rainier is here for you the loyal C band subscriber that wants to keep their c band dish active with entertainment. The facts are this. Our contracts with programmers are for 5 years. We have 19 contracts with big name programmers that will allow us many more channels in the near future. Were not going away anytime soon and are dedicated to C Band!

If you have any questions about our service you can contact us at: 509-486-4137 or our Tech Line at: 509-477-9270 or e-mail us at:

The future is bright with Rainier Satellite. We have a Special Deal to Upgrade you to Rainier for all soon to be C band orphans. More information here





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Media and promotions director Rainier Satellite.LLC

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