Superstation WGN Sales Information

WGN Superstation in PURE HD  is being sold as a ADD-ON Service. To subscribe you must have a current Lifeline basic Subscription. The cost of the ADD-ON Channel is $19.99 per year.

Rainier Satellite is pleased to have been chosen to receive exclusive rights to sell Superstation WGN once again on C band. WGN America is located on the Galaxy 14, 125 degree west satellite.

A little history:

WGN subscription sales began  in the mid 1980’s with the scrambling of their signal using the VideoCipher 2 analog system. Superstar Connection began selling them to the backyard dish owners at that time. WGN was originally uplinked by United Video from their Teleport in Monee Illinois. The backyard dish signal shutdown came with the sunset of the consumer VC-2+ shutdown in 2007.  This has left WGN vacant from the c band dish owners dish for a decade. Their current PowerVu encrypted signal is uplinked from their TV Studios on the north side of Chicago Illinois. Rainier big dish subscribers receive WGN via our Cisco D9865 Receiver in Pure HD.